Dream the Vision
Skys filled with waterfowl, Children watching in awe as ducklings follow their parents accross a pond, or as deer come to the shore to drink. Vistas of wild places filled with tranquility. The call of a Loon, the chuckle of a Grebe, the patience of a Heron, or the Scream of an Eagle. The excitment of your "best friend" bringing a duck to your hand in the blind.
Be the Vision
Volunteers drive the success of Ducks Unlimited. Through the efforts of our volunteers Ducks Unlimited has conserved over 12,283,871 acres of wetlands and associated upland habitat.
Waterfowl are migratory and therefore the "big picture" requires efforts throughout the range of their migration to ensure adequate habitat for every phaze of their life cycle. Ducks Unlimited puts 88% of every dollar raised directly into conservation of habitat. These conservation efforts are based on hard science and not affected by fads or changes in the direction of the political wind.
In Wisconsin alone DU has conserved over 86,950 acres of habitat critical to sustaining a vital waterfowl population. These same acres benefit over 900 other species of wildlife and untold thousands of species of wild plants.
Only through the efforts of our dedicated volunteers can Ducks Unlimited continue to conserve habitat for today and tommorow, for our Children and our Children's Children.
Would you like to join the committee?
Would you consider donating products or services to next year’s event?
Would you be willing to sell tickets to an event? How many?
2 tickets, 5 tickets, 10 or more tickets?
Would you consider becoming a DU sponsor if asked?
Would you be willing to help setup for the dinner?
Would you be willing to help at a dinner?
Can you provide services such as printing, accounting, planning, underwriting or other for our event?
Would you like to attend another DU event? These are some of the other events DU hosts: ladies, golf, shooting, bowling, sponsor, conservation night, greenwing, fishing and others.
Would you help by providing your opinion of our events? What would you like to see improved, changed, or deleted as it relates to any of our events, to make them better for attendees?
Volunteering to help the
Oak Creek Flyway Chapter
Wisconsin Ducks Unlimited